Monday, March 28, 2011

H is for Hairdressers

Where would we be without hairdressers!
I went to the hairdresser today.
Somehow, when my hair is good, the whole world seems brighter.

I am very grateful for all my 'good hair' days and so very grateful to my hairdresser Xin and for all those people who trained for years and stand on their feet all day to help us look our best.

Hairdressing is a difficult job. So many things can go wrong. Have a look at this............

One of my gorgeous nieces, Toni, is a hairdresser.
This is Toni and Pete on their wedding day. (The bride arrived on a motorbike- what a woman!)

And here they are with Jessica (16), Destiny (4) and Eden (6 months). Aren't they something? I am so grateful for all my wonderful family.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

G is for Growing

....or gardening, or garden
What a joy it is to have a garden and to watch and water and nuture the growth of flowers and trees fruits, herbs and vegetables.

I am very grateful for this everyday pleasure, everyday.

Currently in my "veggie patch in a bathtub" (yes, it's a real bathtub) I am growing tomatoes, baby capsicums, baby beets, parsley, mint, basil and rocket.

Whether it's in a paddock, a garden bed or a pot, the miracle of growth never ceases to amaze

These are photos from the Ekka (annual Brisbane Agricultural Exhibition) something I am grateful hasn't lost its charm and is still popular in the 21st centuty

Monday, March 7, 2011

F is for Fish

I am very, very grateful for my fantastic family, friends and followers and I hope I have honoured them elsewhere on this blog so I am going with F for fish.

Fish are fascinating.  For instance, did you know that............

it is estimated that there are more species of fish than all the species of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals put together.

there are over 25,000 identified species of fish on the earth.

starfish have no brains.
it is estimated that there may still be over 15,000 fish species that have not yet been identified.

40% of all fish species inhabit fresh water, yet less than .01% of the earth’s water is fresh water.

This map (below) shows the coral reefs of the world. I am privileged to live in a part of the world where it is really easy to access the ocean and see coral reefs and tropical fish in a pristine environment.

I think being in the ocean is the closest we can get to seeing how the world was when it was created. This is an incredible experience that I am really, really grateful for.

When I was younger and fitter I learnt to scuba dive.

These days I snorkel. In shallow reefs you see just as much. If you have never seen the Great Barrier Reef up close I hope you get the opportunity to do so one day.
The fish are AMAZING!

This is me (second from left) getting ready to snorkel off Port Douglas in 2009.

and here are some fishy photos I took that day.