Tuesday, February 22, 2011

E is for Ears

Well, perhaps not ears exactly, but what they provide - hearing.
I am so grateful for my ears.

I love to listen. I love the sound of birds in the morning and crickets at night.

I love the sound of rain on a tin roof.

I love the sound of water running in a stream and crashing over a waterfall.

I love the sound of waves breaking on the beach.

I love the sound of an orchestra.

I love the sound of poetry spoken aloud.

I love the sound of Christmas carols played by the Salvos.

I love the sound of singing in the middle of a huge group of people.

I love the sound of the key in the lock when you're waiting for someone you love to come home.

I hope you enjoy these sounds. Let your ears do the work.


  1. And I am grateful for the ears of friends that just listen when I need to talk. Thanks guys.
