Thursday, April 28, 2011

K is for Kathleen Noonan

Kathleen Noonan is a journalist and social commentator. She writes a weekly column The Last Word in the Brisbane Courier Mail on Saturdays. Love it, love it, love it. I am grateful for her insight, her heart and her ability to give voice and form to the important things in life.

If you haven't discovered her writing yet, try this one for starters

This leads beautifully into to another "K thing" I am grateful for............knitting.
Making things by hand in general is so good for the soul and I am so grateful to my mum and dad who taught me so patiently to do so many creative things.

My knitting focus last year was tea cosies like these ( a lost art)

Some people know how to use them

and others have a long way to go!!

This year I'm into scarves

(I am also grateful to those who so graciously accept my creative whims as gifts!)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow! What a great idea to have K for Kathleen Noonan. It really made me think because there are a lot of authors for whom I'm grateful. They have instructed, inspired and cheered my way. My favourites are like old friends I can turn to when I'm tired or a bit down. Top of that list is Agatha Christie whose writing takes me into a safe but exciting world of mystery and adventure. Her Official site is
    But I'm open to make new friends. What authors are other grateful for??
