Sunday, January 30, 2011

B is for Books

Where would I be without books! In fact, I do not know a life without books.

Realising that something like 460 million women in the world today are illiterate and I have always had books to read or to be read to me for pleasure and for learning  I have to be grateful .

At the minute I am reading Belly Dancers for Beginners by Australian writer Liz Byrski and also Oliver Sack's fascinating Musicophilia I highly recommend them both.

Musicophilia was a gift from a dear friend who had had to listen to me raving for a month about a couple of TV programs I had seen in which music was used to help recover speech in stroke victims and dementia sufferers. This is incredible stuff!

The Liz Byrski is from the library.

I LOVE THE LIBRARY. All those books, magazines, CDs and DVDs to borrow for free  - 20 at a time! As someone once said...........Knowledge is free at the library. Just bring your own container.

I also LOVE the Nexus Church BYO Book Club. It's great to get books reviewed and shared freely with a bunch of amazing women

I come by all this book stuff honestly. My father is an avid collector of all things bookish and a skilled book binder.

He had, at one time, the largest private collection of Australian children's books in the world. He continues to add to three outstanding collections of bookplates, book seller's labels and book presentation plates (my sister, by the way, has the book mark collection.) Me? I didn't get the relevant collecting gene!

My father and his wife Betty have also added to their large collection of old and rare books over the last 20 or so years including four beautiful fore-edge books.

Despite this, in their 80s now, and life mebers of the Book Collectors Society of Australia, they are both reading Kindle e-books!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A is for air-conditioning

This blog is the truth about what I am grateful for today and the something beginning with 'a' that I am truely grateful for is air-conditioning.

I have lived without it in my home, in my car and in my workplace. I have travelled on non-air conditioned public transport. I know what life without air-conditioning is like and every time I walk out of the Brisbane
summer into the 'aircon' I am telling you I feel grateful
It is possible to multi-task without aircon if you still remember how I guess!

If you are unfortunate enough not to have air- conditioning you can try these excellent alternatives (keeping in mind the warning at the end!)